Home The Beauty Types of floor plinths

Types of floor plinths

by USAInvest

When laying the flooring, the gaps between the floor and the walls remain. They are usually covered with skirting boards. Skirting boards can be made of a variety of materials. Therefore, they are attached in different ways. Most often, plastic and wooden skirting boards are used. For example, the latter are made from veneer and pine or spruce massif. If you cover the floor with a downstone with a laminate or parquet, you must use wood skirting boards.

To properly lay a wooden skirting board, you must first mark the marking. Otherwise, you can make a mistake, and have to redo all the work. Start measuring the length from the corner or door. As soon as measure, carefully cut the baseboard with a end saw. To get good joints from the right angle, you need to use just such a saw.

You can, of course, use a knife on wood. But then try to saw off strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. In order for the joints of the baseboard to be closely adjacent to each other when laying the joints of the skirting board, you can use a simple technique. Just put one on the other and saw them together. However, you can use and knock.

Pillow and paint a wooden skirting board

Be sure to primed and paint a non -laminated wooden plinth. Because without this procedure the tree will quickly collapse. And in order to prevent the plinth from the veneer, just glue the tape to the place of the skin. Each gap, before laying the skirting board, it is necessary to smear with a mixture of sawdust with glue. Then you can start laying the skirting board. Coating all the corners, beat a wooden baseboard with nails.

Another type of skirting boards are plastic. For their use, polyvinyl chloride is used. At the same time, stabilizers are also added that make the product more stable to various aggressive environments, such as ultraviolet chemicals and humidity. Plastic skirting boards are indispensable if linoleum, laminate or carpet are laid. These skirting boards do not rot, but they are fragile, with inaccurate use they can break, so it is undesirable to use them in the cold.

Прикрепляем плинтус правильно

Итак, как же правильно прикрепить напольный пластиковый плинтус. Электродрелью сделайте отверстия под дюбели. Выдержите между ними расстояние не менее 45 см. Длину и глубину отверстий подбирайте в зависимости от крепежа, который будете использовать. После этого пылесосом прочистите отверстия от пыли.

Дюбели нужно вбить молотком прямо в отверстия. Потом шурупами прикрутить монтажную планку. Ножку нужно заводить с внутренней стороны в паз крепления планки. С одной стороны, а потом, придерживая, установить плинтус по всей длине.

Бывает так, что стены кривые и всё равно образуются щели. Но это не страшно. Просто берём силиконовый герметик и заполняем эти щели, а потом выравниваем и красим в цвет плинтуса.

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