Home Health Installation of the cornice

Installation of the cornice

by USAInvest

The completeness of any room is given precisely the details that begin with the choice of paint and end with the arrangement of the facade. One of the most spectacular and popular decoration elements is cornice – ideal for decorating facades of many buildings. The advantage of using the cornices is that a variety of materials can be used for their manufacture, depending on what requirements are made on the finished product (environmental cleanliness, ease of design, accessibility, durability and the like). However, the most commonly selected material remains polyurethane, which provides both environmental friendliness and convenience.

The principle of installation

Despite this variety of cornices models, their installation in each individual case does not differ from each other. The essence of the method is to stick a decorative element. This requires only a special glue for ceiling coatings, which provides both the safety of the cornice surface and allows the ability to peel off the cornice if necessary. Usually, before gluing the product, the surface is covered with a layer of gypsum putty. Also, all repair work should be completed on the surface of the walls (for example, paint or pasteen with wallpaper).

Preparation for installation

In general, the installation of the cornice is quite simple. The main difficulties arise in preparation when cutting angles is required. If there is no profile for corners, then this work will have to do it yourself. Then a special knock and an acute hacksaw will be required, through which the right angle is cut out.

Installation work

After the preparatory work, gluing the corner cornices begins, starting from the corners of the room and moving to its middle. For convenience, it is worth repulsing the phicen – it is a guideline in the process of gluing. After putting the cornice, which, by the way, is applied with a stapel, the cornice is tightly pressed against the wall. All the remnants of the putty are thoroughly removed either by staple or a damp sponge. All the cracks remaining after gluing the product are also closed with putty.

The remaining seams (for example, between the wall and the cornice or between the ceiling and the cornice) are filled with an acrylic sealant using a pistol.

Finally, the seams are thoroughly smoothed and aligned with the surface. Ideally, a single design should be obtained, that is, a decorative element that harmoniously connecting the ceiling and walls, while not highlighted. Only after the cornice is fully installed, you can start finishing work, for example, coloring, both the most decorative element and the surface of the ceiling.

Such finishing work will not only decorate the home, but also give it a special chic.

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