Home Culture Types of photo wallpaper

Types of photo wallpaper

by USAInvest

You can make your room truly attractive, mysterious and stylish through the use of appropriate finishing materials. It implies bright, colorful images that are in no way inferior to picturesque paintings – they are called photo wallpaper.

Such a magnificent type of wallpaper is divided into several main types, namely:

Washing texture;


elite washing;

self -adhesive washing;

Washing with smooth texture.

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1) The texture murals are understood as vinyl wallpapers of the highest quality, the surface of which can imitate the texture of canvas, natural flax, sand, Venetian and ordinary plaster, etc. D. Their advantages are delightful “dense” colors worthy of operational qualities and t. D.

2) Paper murals are incredibly simple in glue, they have excellent moisture – and air permeability. They will be appropriate in the design of any spaces – offices, children’s bedrooms, kitchens, living rooms, etc. Their main disadvantages are relatively fast loss of pristine color, lack of such a property as fire safety, etc. In addition, it is forbidden to wash them, t. to. They can become sour and torn.

3) high -quality elite washing murals are divided into 2 types – “oil painting” and “Venetian plaster”. The first is characterized by a bizarre textured surface and excellent colorfulness. The second, as a rule, are made by individual order. Their interesting embossed texture in conjunction with the original fresco make it possible to achieve a spectacular appearance of the room.

4) Waste self -adhesive murals are endowed with amazing qualities – this is ease of washing, increased strength indicators, protective “anti -marker” coating, damage resistance, water detergent. На их тыльной стороне имеется клеевая прослойка, что значительно убыстряет и упрощает их монтаж. Своеобразный отблеск таких обоев продиктован необычной точечной фактурой, которая по внешнему виду схожа с сатином.

5) Моющиеся фотообои с гладкой поверхностью особенно актуальны в кухонном помещении, ванной комнате, детских спальнях, прихожих. Они являются антимаркерными и сочетают в себе высокую стойкость к загрязнениям. Как и иной вид фотообоев, этот таит в себе ряд недостатков, к которым стоит причислить следующее: сравнительная сложность монтажа, примитивный внешний вид, необходимость предварительной подготовки стен и т. D. Такие обойные покрытия могут быть сатиновыми, глянцевыми, матовыми и виниловыми.

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